Jean-Paul Metté Eaux-de-Vie d'Alsace - Ribeauville

Jean-Paul Metté is a true craft house, making artisanal and traditional Eaux de Vie d’Alsace. Eaux de vie, also known as the “water of life” is a clear brandy made from fruit other than grapes, cereals or herbs. It is a delicacy and well sought after especially in the Alpine regions in which it is commonly made. Metté's history begins in the 1960’s, where Mr. Metté learned the art of making Eaux de Vie d’Alsace as an apprentice to his neighbor. In the 1980's, he passed the craft to his godson the late Phillipe Traber. Phillipe's son Timothée Traber now runs the distillerie. Flowers, herbs and fruits are chosen carefully from established farmers. Distillation takes place in small, traditional stills made of copper—the same ones used by Jean-Paul Mette. Fermented fruits are distilled twice, while macerated ones are distilled once only, in order to guarantee a perfect balance. Each eau-de-vie is aged for at least 6 years in stainless steel tanks stored outdoors, where the seasonal changes in temperature enhance the mellowness of the maturing spirit. Incredibly, this tiny artisan distillerie produces over 96 types of eau-de-vie and liqueurs.